Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Summary of the week-The YesGifts Office

Between the 6th and the 10th of October (last week) YesGifts discovered that WISPAS ARE BACK! and we're all glad of it! We are now all Wispa crazy making sure we all have at least one a day for a healthy balanced diet. That's our excuse anyway. Post a comment to show your support for Wispas and to bring them back for good.

Along with Wispas, caffeine is now back on the menu!
(That lasted long hey?!)
With all the sudden Christmas rush YesGifts is busy busy busy!!! With all the sales team staying late everyday to catch up with the immense amount of quotes and orders. Any health and beauty related businesses feel free to send us all some free vouchers.

Andy and our Headteacher (oops I mean Boss) conducted a very interesting highly technical and skilled experiment this week.
Which mug holds more liquid? The Emerald or The Griffin?
After much deliberation and one wet desk later, the conclusion was The Griffin holds roughly two more slurps of Coffee.
(no animals were hurt in this experiment-only Andy, with a wet tea towel)

The girls weren't satisfied with this slurping business, so conducted their own experiment with fig rolls and ginger biscuits.
(what do you mean biscuit's aren't healthy? they have ginger and figs in them)

The girls final verdict was - The Griffin has the Dunkability factor, oh and so does The Emerald, Oh no, who ate all the fig rolls????
They have decided to repeat this experiment again, using chocolate biscuits, and a huge array of our promotional mugs.
Which mug will win?
Who's waistline will expand the most?
Find out here over the coming weeks.....
'It's a tough job but we'll do it for the good of the company' said Emma

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