Monday, October 6, 2008

Summary of the week-The YesGifts Office

The YesGifts team have been on a health kick this past week and as part of this healthiness overload, decided to ban regular Tea and Coffee and see how long they could survive!

Tina's coped very well, with her herbal selections of Mint or Chamomile, (bleurghh-tastes like garden waste-said Emma)
Andrew's been mixing it up choosing between Regular De-caf and the odd herbal tea bag from Tina, (His favourite is Rooibos)
Simon's more of a effervescent vitamin drinker (Like he needs any extra fizz)?
Emma quit after the first cup of Herbal (see above) and reverted to regular tea, no sugar though - sweet enough!
Jan-Claire is a laydee, and as such wouldn't dream of sipping anything other than Earl Grey (decaffeinated of course)
And the lovely Liz only has half a cup of coffee in the morning, the rest of the day she sticks to water.

So will it last? this space!

What's your tea drinking habit like?
Who drinks the most in your office, name and shame here.....

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