Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thank you to Birmingham City Council

A big thanks to Sammy, Lucy, Chantelle and Bella and the rest of the ‘BEST’ Team at Birmingham City Council for their custom, always a pleasure to work with you and we look forward to future events.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Summary of the week-The YesGifts Office

These past couple of weeks have been hectic as usual, even with the schools being closed. The roads are clearer and the queues at the shops are smaller which gives us more time to work our magic and produce top quality promotional gifts on time for events happening all over the UK.

Nearing the end of two four day weeks YesGifts are buzzing and ready for another Saturday night out together. Today is full of planning for tomorrow... and work of course! :)

We want to hear from you... how will you be spending this weekend? Maybe YesGifts will see you out and about in Sheffield. If not, make sure you have a good one and come back for more updates at YesGifts HQ.