Monday, February 23, 2009

Summary of the week-The YesGifts Office

The past couple of weeks have been hectic beyond belief; it seems everyone went crazy for promotional gifts coming up to and after valentines day. Our reward for such hard work is SPRING!!!! Spring has finally sprung and were glad of it here at YesGifts. We are already looking forward to those summer nights and bright mornings, wearing summer clothes and flip flops, allowing our skin to breathe in the sun and the warmth it has longed for over the winter months.

We hope you're all feeling the same and have the same sunshine we are having here at YesGifts today. Have a good week from all of us at YesGifts.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Summary of the week-The YesGifts Office

SNOW SNOW SNOW!!! can you believe the weather?! We can't, here at YesGifts, and its not only the UK where the weather is causing havoc. Australia have been having to deal with extremely bad fires wiping out entire towns. Is it global warming or just nature at its worst? Many people believe it is global warming where others will argue that global warming is just another way of trying to enforce control. what do you believe? This debate comes up quite often in the YesGifts office and as you can imagine we can never come to a conclusion/agreement. Send us your thoughts, help us out.