Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Doing our bit for the environment

Is the environment important to you? Well its important to us and we have proven this in the work we do and the service/products we provide. We decided as a team that we wanted to do our bit for the environment, we've cut out catalogues, brochures, excessive packaging and sending reps out on the road.

We consciously decided to push our business through the use of the ever growing web and have succeeded in doing so. We have also started selling recycled promotional products for those businesses who want to do their bit too.

As an example, a typical 100 page corporate gifts catalogue will be printed using five tonnes of paper, which would be created using 850 trees. Furthermore it takes 13.5Gj of energy to make one tonne of paper. This is the equivalent of using 552 litres of heavy crude oil. By making a decision to market our products over the internet and dispense with catalogue production in 2001 we have by now saved over 6000 trees and the equivalent of 16560 litres of heavy crude oil.

WOW! That makes us proud.

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